Sentence sentence classical, sentence a to the marrow!

Article / Xu 38

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1, some day just does not grow, the time passes one day little a day, the person sees one side is little at the same time, and row and cherish.

2, how does other people see you, that is his thing, how you are vivid, that is your thing.

3, always wanting to make others genuine to you, you should are opposite sincerely others, ability harvests sincerity.

4, the person is brought up every day, thing one every day grow in quantity, the position that does not make trouble will happy is occupational, life needs joy.

5, person, muddleheaded still place is good. Look not clear, look not to understand, our ability is relaxed.

6, do not make any decisions when the mood is bad forever, what harm then is him not merely, still have beside person.

7, on this world, do not have what problem at all, all problem results from oneself, perhaps say, all problems are his problem.

8, lost ability to know to cherish only, what fell ill to just understand health only is important, person, namely so make base.

9, remember forever, the thing beside just is best, go not always the thing that angle does not belong to him then.

10, the thing of find sth useful, or else is costly also be good thing; The thing of not need, again costly also be rubbish.

11, you should know a person, not be to use ear to listen, and should use soon.

12, the distance can not produce the United States certainly, however can the feeling that test and verify can'ts bear biff then.

13, disappear for ages, actually not infer, if meet, high mountain ridges also is not blocked.

14, you feel you do not have ability, that you already ability of it doesn't matter.

15, growner, can know more, the best thing between the world is called cannot get.

16, you consider him change, either immediately, should progress however everyday little.

17, the difficulty with person the greatest lifetime has two only: Do with do not do.

18, you can do not have a car, without the room, without money, but you cannot do not have ambition.

19, happy-go-lucky, just be the manner with best life; Be most willing to, just be the means with best life.

20, you should learn to love your, ability gets the love of more person.