The limit challenges 3 Huang Zongze puts firm word:" Come dare my domain still bully me?

The ultimate challenge of new first phase should broadcast again tonight, young associate people had moved platelet stool to prepare to watch? In yellow Bo of this first phase still absent, huang Zongze regards man of new limit of honored guest be a guest as the side, there has been much information divulge to give Huang Zongze to surmount Sha Yi to become the limit likely before Shi Shangxin is miserable.

The honored guest of this program estimates the share that has the " that be bullied by " only on, dare come or need a bit courage, advanced two season can not escape basically of strike with the palm of the hand of ultimate man assistant. And this Huang Zongze also is boast left big talk:" Come dare my domain still bully me? Looking is bullies what whose " this word says to hold out bully gas, matched a graph to betray his namely.

When the program comes on the stage, still hold out grand, everybody looks enthusiastic and amiable, express to welcome to Huang Zongze's arrival.

Ineffable feel handsome oneself.

As gut develop step by step desertioned male god package.

Passed a little while to draw wind to begin complete change.

Look at Huang Zongze by cruel so miserable, the honored guest still is had to dare come after knowing the limit was challenged. The topic that everybody estimates after this the program broadcasts is " feel distressed Huang Zongze "

Like passing to resemble Sha Yi, although by the half alive of cruel, huang Zongze can maintain good state of mind euqally, and this is an audience people liked place, play game after all, those who enjoy is this process.